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  • 2021-06-26 13:46:01
  • 广安高三文科补习学校
  • 广安高三文科补习学校




  一、 下列不属于地质力学理论运用的活动是(     )

A.勘探石油             B.研究地震的生成和预测

C.寻找铀矿             D.更能集中人力、物力和财力进行经济建设





  二、 马克思在《资本论》中揭露资本主义剥削实质和秘密的学说是

A.唯物主义史观                     B.阶级斗争学说   

C.剩余价值学说                     D.自由资本主义经济学说

【知识点】科学社会主义理论的诞生和国际工人运动 《共产党宣言》





A.“重农”的思想                        B.“靠天吃饭”的观念

C.“不误农时”的思想                    D.“精耕细作”的特点





A.《新民主主义论》              B.《论人民民主专政》

C.《井冈山的斗争》              D.《星星之火,可以燎原》






  五、 一The winner of the race is a tall and thin boy with thick glasses.

  一Then it         be my friend,Mike,who looks like a “meat ball”,

  A.might          B.can’t            C.mustn’t            D.should

  【知识点】情态动词 【答案】


  六、 Mother _____ us stories when we were young.

  A. was used to tell     B. is used to telling     C. used to tell        D. used to telling

  【知识点】其他 【答案】


  七、It is uncertain ________ side effect the medicine will bring about,although about two thousand patients have taken it.

  A.that                              B.what

  C.how                               D.whether

  【知识点】连词 连接词 【答案】

  B what引导名词性从句作主语,同时what保留疑问的意义“什么;什么样的”,句意:这药物会带来什么样的副作用还不确定……。

  八、Success does not belong to a select (精挑细选的) group of individuals; success belongs to those who are willing to go after it.Success belongs to those who are willing to look fear in the face, eyeball to eyeball, and then do what they have to do.Success belongs to those who realize that there is something more important than their fear.

  "Desire is the key to motivation...." Desire is the longing to achieve a vision; without desire you have nothing.If you've lost your vision, or if your desire is not strong, work to clarify your vision, use pictures, write the vision down.Habakkuk said, "Write the vision, and make it plain, "Before you can run with desire, your vision must be plain, it must be clear, it must be exciting.

  "Seventy percent of success in life is showing up." You can't get your dream job, if you're scared to turn in an application.You won't get the sale, if you don't try.Showing up doesn't guarantee success, but rest assured if you don't show up, you won't succeed.When it comes to your dreams, and the things you desire to achieve in this life, you have to show up.

  Thomas J.Watson said, "Would you like me to give you a formula (公式) for success? It's quite simple, really.Double your rate of failure.You are thinking of failure as the enemy of success.But it isn't at all.You can be discouraged by failure or you can learn from it, so go ahead and make mistakes.Make all you can.Because remember that's where you will find success." Never fear failure, it is failure that will bring you success.Embrace failure, become a student of failure, learn from failure, and soon you

  will succeed.

  Success is not about doing what the average person can't do, it's about doing what the average person is unwilling to do.And on a deeper level, it's about creating habits that the average person is unwilling to create.It's the habit of doing things with excellence that cause success.

         Success is the enjoyment of the journey.You have to enjoy the journey!

         Someone once said, "Unless you change how you are, you will always have what you've got." You have to change...you will change, you will succeed.

  39.If you want to succeed, you should ______.

         A.make efforts to achieve it                                         B.be a special person

         C.face it with fear                            D.do everything important

  40.What's Habakkuk's opinion?

         A.We should make our aims common.        B.We should set up a clear target.

         C.We should have motivation.               D.Desire is the key to motivation

  41.The main idea of the third paragraph is that ______.

         A.success needs showing up                B.70% of people can succeed

         C.you should show your hope               D.you should fight for success

  42.Thomas J.Watson encourages us to ______.

         A.retire from failure                        B.escape from failure

         C.make double mistakes                     D.grow from failure

  43.Which is the best title of the passage? ______.

         A.Success and Failure                    B.Keys to Success

         C.Several Critical Steps to Success           D.Importance of Success

  【知识点】人生百味类阅读 【答案】




  九、 按人口迁移的方向划分,当前发展中国家的人口迁移的主要类型是:(    )

       A.由国内向发达国家的人口迁移          B.由城市向城市的人口迁移

       C.由农村向城市的人口迁移              D.由城市向郊区的人口迁移

【知识点】人口与地理环境 人口迁移与人口流动



  十、  纽约曼哈顿拥有两个中心商务区,一个是华尔街地区,白天人来人往,晚上人去楼空,成为“空心城”,另一个是以洛克菲勒为中心的商业区,白天游人如织,夜晚歌舞升平,成为“不夜城”。据此回答以下问题。

15.与“空心城”比较,“不夜城”没有体现中心商务区的那一项特征(      )

A.人口数量昼夜差别大  B.建筑物高大稠密   C.经济活动最为繁忙 D.内部分区明显

16.华尔街的“空心城”说明(      )

A. 城市化水平高   B.逆城市化现象  C.城市化速度快    D.城市经济活动畸形发展

【知识点】人口与城市 单元测试



  十一、 某校地理兴趣小组,于夏季的一天对当地一个山谷进行野外考察。在分析根据考察成果绘制的等压线和等温线示意图(箭头表示空气流动)时,发现他们已绘制的信息1、2、3、4中,只有一项是正确的。据此完成下题。

甲、乙、丙、丁四点中,夜雨最多的是(   )

A.甲               B.乙                    C.丙               D.丁

【知识点】等值线图(除等压线图 等温线图)



  十二、 在地图上判断方向的方法有多种,其中纬线和经线分别指示的方向是

A.东西和南北  B.南北和东西  C.东北和西南  D.西南和东北

【知识点】地球 地球仪 经纬网及其地理意义






  • 李女士 135*****151 30分钟前成功提交
  • 夏先生 159*****666 5分钟前成功提交
  • 黄先生 181*****149 22分钟前成功提交
  • 刘先生 156*****799 12分钟前成功提交
  • 李女士 189*****771 35分钟前成功提交
  • 孙女士 139*****164 8分钟前成功提交
  • 周先生 181*****188 45分钟前成功提交
  • 王女士 135*****933 1分钟前成功提交






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  • 李女士 135*****151 30分钟前成功提交
  • 夏先生 159*****666 5分钟前成功提交
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  • 孙女士 139*****164 8分钟前成功提交
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  • 王女士 135*****933 1分钟前成功提交