一、公元前5世纪,谁担任雅典首席将军期间,鼓励公民积极参政,为公民发放“观剧津贴”,雅典民主进入“黄金时代”? ( )
A.梭伦 B.克利斯提尼 C.伯利克里 D.查士丁尼
【知识点】古代希腊 罗马的政治制度
A.1950年 B.1956年 C.1958年 D.1979年
A、宋 B、齐
C、梁 D、陈
【知识点】历史上的重大改革 北魏孝文帝改革
四、有学者认为:“抗日战争是中国确立大国地位的起点”。主要是因为抗日战争( )
A.对世界反法西斯战争贡献巨大 B.加速了近代民主革命的进程
C.壮大了社会主义力量 D.实现了中华民族的独立
【知识点】近代中国反侵略 求民主的斗争
五、 The data shows _________ successful people have in common is ________they have perseverance.
A.that that; that B.that what; that C.what that; what D.all that; because
【知识点】状语从句 【答案】
B六、 (2010·黑龙江哈三中高三10月月考)27. ---Mum, I failed the test again.
--- Oh, I knew it. How can you learn anything ____ you spend all your free time watching television.
A. while B. as C. when D. unless
【知识点】连词 连接词 【答案】
七、 .— What should I do with the text?
—__________the topic sentence of each paragraph.
A.Finding out B.Found out C.To find out D.Find out
【知识点】非谓语动词 【答案】
八、 A characteristic of American culture that has become almost a tradition is to respect the self-made man — the man who has risen to the top through his own efforts, usually beginning by working with his hands. While the leader in business or industry or the college professor occupies a higher social position and commands greater respect in the community than the common laborer or even the skilled factory worker, he may take pains to point out that his father started life in America as farmer or laborer of some sort.
This attitude toward manual(体力的) labor is now still seen in many aspects of American life. One is invited to dinner at a home that is not only comfortably but even luxuriously (豪华地) furnished and in which there is every evidence of the fact that the family has been able to afford foreign travel, expensive hobbies, and college education for the children; yet the hostess probably will cook the dinner herself, will serve it herself and will wash dishes afterward; furthermore the dinner will not consist merely of something quickly and easily got from contents of various cans and a cake or a pie bought at the nearby bakery. On the contrary, the hostess usually takes pride in careful preparation of special dishes. A professional man may talk about washing the car, digging in his flowerbeds, painting the house. His wife may even help with these things, just as he often helps her with the dishwashing. The son who is away at college may wait on table and wash dishes for his living, or during the summer he may work with a construction gang on a highway in order to pay for his education.
What can we infer from Paragraph 1?
In America, people tend to have a high opinion of the self-made man.
In America, people can always rise to the top through their own efforts.
In America, college professors win great respect from common workers.
In America, people feel painful to mention their fathers as labors.
Why does the hostess mentioned in the passage cook dinner herself?
Because servants in America are hard to get.
Because she takes pride in what she can do herself.
Because she can hardly afford servants.
Because it is easy to prepare a meal with canned food.
What does the underlined phrase “wait on table” in the second paragraph mean?
A. Work in a furniture shop. B. Keep accounts for a bar.
C. Wait to lay the table. D. Serve customers in a restaurant.
What is the passage mainly about?
A respectable self-made family.
American attitude toward manual labor.
Characteristics of American culture
The development of manual labor.
【知识点】其他 【答案】
九、 引起土壤次生盐碱化的重要原因是
A.滥伐森林 B.对自然植被的破坏 C.不合理的灌溉 D.大气降水过多
【知识点】环境保护 环境与环境问题
C十、 读下图所示四幅岛屿图,回答
A.① B.② C.③ D.④
【知识点】地图 地图的基本知识
D 十一、 右图为北半球某地一天中太阳高度的日变化图,该地一年中正午太阳高度最大值那天的太阳高度日变化曲线是下图中的( )
【知识点】宇宙环境及其对地球的影响 太阳对地球的影响
26. 图中①区最有可能为( )
A. 住宅区 B. 工业区 C. 商业区 D. 旅游区
27. 影响①功能区形成的最主要因素是( )
A. 资源 B. 经济 C. 环境 D. 政策
28. 工业区不断向外缘移动的主要原因是( )
①降低生产成本 ②加强城市经济实力 ③保护城市环境 ④拓宽城市地域范围
A. ①② B. ①③ C. ②③ D. ③④
【知识点】人口与城市 单元测试