一、 《诗经》云:“雨我公田,遂及我私”。这种现象开始出现于
A.商朝 B.西周 C.春秋 D.战国
A、新中国政权团结广大人民 B、人民代表大会制度已确立
C、少数民族地区实现了自治 D、多党合作制度得到完善
【知识点】现代中国的政治建设与祖国统一 民主政治制度的建设
三、“正如伏尔泰所说的,‘整个自然界、所有行星竟会服以永恒的法则,而有一种身高5呎的小动物(注:指人类)竟能不顾这些法则、完全按照自己的怪想,随心所欲地行动,这是非常奇异的。’因此,寻找决定人类事务的这些永恒法则,是法国革命之前的所谓启蒙运动的实质。”对材料解读正确的是( )
【知识点】西方人文精神的发展 启蒙运动
A.成立了世界上第一个无产阶级政党 B.建立了世界第一个无产阶级政权
C.成功地动员广大农民群众参加战斗 D.建立世界上第一个社会主义性质国家
【知识点】科学社会主义理论的诞生和国际工人运动 巴黎公社
五、 182. In the time of great trouble, the soldiers _______ their spirits by singing.
A.kept up B. kept on C. kept to D. kept from
【知识点】动词 动词短语 【答案】
六、 That was the first time I _______ there and I was impressed by the friendly people very much
A. go B. was going C. had gone D. have gone
【知识点】语法 【答案】
七、 —It’s cloudy outside.Please take an umbrella.
A.Yes,take it easy B.Well,it just depends
C.OK,just in case D.All right,you’re welcome
【知识点】交际用语 【答案】
解析:可能一看到Please take an umbrella.便选D,因为其含有all right。但You’re welcome.表明D项错误。本题语境可补充为 “OK,I’ll take an umbrella just in case it rains.”因题干和备选项具有误导性,语境逻辑又过于含蓄,使试题难度加大。
八、Fifty–eight percent of the teachers interviewed in the Association of Teachers and Lecturers (ATL) questionnaire had come across copying among their pupils. Gill Bullen from Itchen College in Southampton, for example, said, "Pieces handed in by two students were identical and significantly better than either of them could have done. Not only that, the essays handed in didn't quite answer the title question I had set". A teacher from Leeds said, "I had one piece of work so bravely cut and pasted that it still contained ads from the web page."
Connie Robinson from Stockton Riverside College said, "With less able students it is easy to spot copying as the writing style changes in the middle of the assignment, but with more able students it is sometimes necessary for tutors to carry out Internet research to identify the source of the copy."
Mary Bousted, general secretary of the ATL, said," Teachers are struggling under a mountain of cut-and-pasting to spot whether work was the student's own or copy." She called for policies to stop copying, and asked for help from exam boards and the government in providing resources and techniques to detect cheats.
But there was another side. "I have found once students clearly understand what copying is, its consequences and how to reference correctly so they can draw on published works, copying becomes less of a problem," said Diana Baker from Emmanuel College, Durham.
"I think the majority of students who engage in copying do it more out of ignorance than the desire to cheat. They really want to succeed on their own."
53. The passage mainly wants to tell us ____________.
A. the benefits of the Internet for students
B. web copying is a serious problem in the UK
C. the ways to find web copying for teachers
D. how we can use the Internet to do homework
54. The underlined word “identical” (Paragraph 1) probably means ____________.
A. excellent
B. contrasting
C. the same
D. complex
55. What is TRUE according to Connie Robinson?
A. It’s not easy to find the less able students copy from the Internet
B. It’s difficult to find whether the more able students have copied.
C. The less able student will not change their writing style when copying.
D. The more able students needn’t copy from the Internet.
56. What’s the writer’s attitude towards “copying”?
A. The writer doesn’t tell us.
B. The writer feels angry about it.
C. The writer thinks it doesn’t matter.
D. The writer approves of it.
【知识点】社会现象类阅读 【答案】
九、关于地方时和区时的叙述,正确的是( )
【知识点】宇宙中的地球 单元测试
【知识点】自然环境中的物质运动和能量交换 单元测试
十一、一艘轮船在40°N航线,某天当太阳位于船员头顶时听到北京时间为9点,此时船所在的经度是( )
A. 75°E B. 90°E C. 150°E D. 165°E
【知识点】宇宙中的地球 单元测试
十二、 下面水系图中,反映地势低平的是 ( )
【知识点】地图 地图的基本知识