A.《共产党宣言》的发表 B.巴黎公社的建立
C.罗斯福新政策的实施 D.十月革命的胜利
【知识点】俄国十月革命与苏联社会主义建设 俄国十月革命
A.1994年 B.2012年 C.2014年 D.2024年
【知识点】近代中国反侵略 求民主的斗争
三、2. 右图所示票证曾经是百姓购买粮食的重要凭证——粮票。这种粮票的发行与使用反映了当时
A.百姓生活受制于计划经济 B.浙江省粮食销售秩序井然
C.“文革”对经济发展的破坏 D.国家因为天灾而粮食短缺
A.认同和坚持“一个中国”原则 B.希望与共产党结成统一战线
C.拥护“和平统一、一国两制” D.与共产党根本利益一致
五、 This necklace is beautiful but it doesn’t ____ the color of your hair.
A. agree B. go with C. fit for D. suit
【知识点】动词 动词短语 【答案】
When I got home last night, I was frightened to find that in front of my door .
A.was seated a large dog B.sat a large dog
C.was a large dog seated D.did a large dog sit
【知识点】形容词 【答案】
七、 The Power of Negative Thinking
Negative thinking appears to be more prevalent than positive thinking. It seems that with most people positive thinking requires some effort, while negative thinking comes easily and uninvited. This has much to do with education and the environment one has been living in.
If you have been brought up in a happy and positive atmosphere, where people value success and self-improvement, then it will be easier for you to think positively and expect success. If you have been brought up under poor or difficult situations, you will probably go on expecting difficulties and failure.
We all view everything through our main mental attitude. If our thoughts are positive, that is fine, but if they are negative, our lives and circumstances will probably mirror these thoughts.
If you believe that you are going to fail, you will unconsciously destroy every opportunity to succeed. If you are afraid of meeting new people or having close relationships, you will do everything to avoid people and relationships, and then complain that you are lonely and nobody loves you.
Do you often think about difficulties, failure and disasters? Do you keep thinking about the negative news you have seen on the TV or read in the newspapers?
Do you see yourself stuck and unable to improve your life or your health? Do you frequently think that you do not deserve happiness or money, or that it is too difficult to get them? If you do, then you will close your mind, see no opportunities, and behave and react in such ways, as to turn away from people and opportunities.
The mind does not usually judge or examine thoughts and opinions before accepting them. If what it hears, sees and reads is always negative, it accepts this as the standard way of thinking and behavior.
Open your mind to positive attitude, happenings and events. Expect them and think about them, and soon your life will change for the better.
67. According to the author, happy and positive situations cause people to________.
A. turn away from people and opportunities
B. expect difficulties and failure
C. viewing everything by negative thinking
D. think positively and expect success
68. Some people think that they have few friends in their lives perhaps because________.
A. their thoughts are positive
B. their thoughts are negative
C. they avoid people and relationships
D. destroy every opportunity to make friends
69. What does the author want to tell us in the fifth and sixth paragraphs?
A. one has no reasons for his negative thinking and behavior
B. one mustn’t always think about difficulties, failure and disasters
C. one’s living environment has the decisive function upon his thinking
D. one should never think of things happily and positively
70. From the passage we can learn that________.
A. positive thinking has much to do with education and the environment one has been living in
B. thinking negatively is much easier than thinking positively
C. the moment you see something sad, you will feel sad too
D. the positively we think and behave, the happier we will be
【知识点】科普环保类阅读 【答案】
八、 — We __ that you would fix the TV set this week.
— I’m sorry. I __ to, but I’ve been too busy.
A. had expected; had intended B. are expecting; had intended
C. expect; intend D. expected; intend
【知识点】动词时态与语态 【答案】
解析:expect, intend, want, wish, hope, plan 等动词的过去完成式可表示过去未曾实现的想法、愿望、打算等。
16、与地区④相比,地区③水能资源丰富的主要原因是( )
A.降水丰富 B.河流众多
C.河流流量大 D.河流落差大
17、三峡水电站所在地区的代号是( )
A.① B.② C.③ D.④
【知识点】区域可持续发展 流域开发的地理条件 内容 综合治理措施
十、 河网密度较大的平原地区,村落的平面形态多是
A.不规则的多边形 B.圆形 C.方形 D.带状
十一、关于下图中甲、乙两地等压面分布示意图的叙述,正确的是( )
A.甲地气温高,乙地气温低 B.乙地可能出现阴雨天气
C.①处气压比②处高 D.甲地比乙地地面气压低
【知识点】大气的热状况与大气运动 等压面 等压线 等温线等分布图的判读
十二、 读我国某地区地形剖面图及对应的积温、降水量曲线图,完成
【知识点】自然环境中的物质运动和能量交换 单元测试