A.地处内廷,专管军务 B.设有官衙,机构完备
C.参与政务,秉旨办事 D.专理刑狱,职能单一
二、.黄宗羲是浙东学派的创立者,也是明末清初最著名的思想家之一。下列对黄宗羲思想的评述,正确的有( )
①猛烈批判君主专制,促进明清之际思想活跃 ②矛头直指君主制度,具有近代民主启蒙色彩 ③冲击了儒学的正统地位,同时又发展了儒家思想 ④虽未能从根本上动摇儒学统治地位,但成为近代进步思想先声
A.①②③ B.①②④ C.①③④ D.②③④
【知识点】中国传统文化主流思想的演变 明清之际的儒学思想
三、.法国作家巴尔扎克的 《人间喜剧》 被誉为“社会百科全书”,它所代表的文学流派是
A.浪漫主义文学 B.批判现实主义文学
C.印象派文学 D.社会主义文学
四、 马克思说:“罗马帝国到处都由罗马法官根据罗马法进行判决,从而使地方上的社会秩序都被宣布无效……”对这段话的准确理解是
A.法官是罗马帝国的最高统治者 B.法官滥用权力,造成社会秩序混乱
C.罗马法官建立了罗马帝国 D.罗马法稳固了帝国的政治和经济秩序
五、 You _____ your turn so you’ll have to wait.
A. will miss B. have missed C. are missing D. had missed
【知识点】动词时态与语态 【答案】
六、 They asked the government to make ______clear to the public ______ they did was right.
A. it; that what B. it; that C. that; what D. this; that
【知识点】固定句型 【答案】
七、 It remains doubtful whether the project _____________ next month will bring profits to the company.
A. accomplished B. to be accomplished
C. having accomplished D. being accomplished
【知识点】非谓语动词 【答案】
八、It has been difficult to sit on the bench the majority of my high school basketball career. To watch my team from the sideline and 21 why I am not good enough to be on the floor. 22 endless hours of work and devotion, pushing myself through drill after drill, the 23 thing I want is to be a cheerleader. The feeling of being 24 is sometimes too much and drives me to 25 on the spot. I often feel as though my efforts are wasted and my time is eaten away, devoted to 26 .
It is heartbreaking to be a spectator(旁观者) for the game I love, knowing that no one has enough 27 to give me the chance to 28 on the floor. Tears well up, but I hold them back. I shouldn’t be so 29 over something so silly.
Away from the game, it’s easier to put my thoughts together, 30 letting my emotions drive my reasoning. I consider 31 I am where I am. I have played basketball my whole life. I have a passion for the 32 and always have. There is nothing like the excitement of 33 : the swish of the net, the sweat rolling off my cheeks, even the bruises(青肿) are battle wounds worn 34 after every game.
Even if I don’t play much, I participate in every 35 . I am part of a team of girls who
36 together like a family. I am there for them, 37 they are for me.
Should I move on? Or should I stay with my team and pursue my passion just a little longer? The decision isn’t difficult when I consider the 38 that being a part of a team brings me— and not just any team, 39 my team. I love basketball and my teammates. When I think about that, my view from the bench really isn’t so bad 40 .
21. A.consider B. wonder C. think D. hesitate
22. A. Since B. During C. After D. Before
23. A. other B. next C. first D. last
24. A. worthless B. hopeless C. helpless D. careless
25. A. fight B. quit C. transform D. retire
26. A. something B. nothing C. anything D. everything
27. A. sympathy B. encouragement C. permission D. faith
28. A. respond B. perform C. promote D. practice
29. A. scared B. nervous C. upset D. amazed
30. A. less than B. more than C. other than D. rather than
31. A. why B. how C. whether D. what
32. A. bench B. sport C. drill D. battle
33. A. waiting B. watching C. learning D. playing
34. A. proudly B. bravely C. unfortunately D. painfully
35. A. decision B. plan C. game D. project
36. A. compete B. stick C. live D. represent
37. A. because B. if C. as D. though
38. A. joy B. patience C. challenge D. position
39. A. so B. as C. but D. like
40. A. above all B. after all C. at all D. all in all
【知识点】人生百味类 【答案】
九、下列关于目前世界人口增长增长模式的叙述,正确的是( )
【知识点】人口与地理环境 人口增长与人口问题
A.交通 B.政策 C.技术 D.市场
A. 中心商务区将移至郊区 B. 沿线地带形成大型工业区
C. 中心城区辐射作用增强 D. 城市其他交通运输方式衰落
【知识点】生产活动 单元测试
A.西侧较重 B.东侧较重 C.两侧一样 D.都无磨损
【知识点】地球运动及其地理意义 地球自转的地理意义
十二、 右图中大圆为晨昏线,M点在东西半球分界线上,P点线速度为Okm/h,图中阴影与非阴影部分日期不同。完成。
A.77° B.66° C.55° D.44°
A.3日2时40分 B.3日21时20分 C.4日2时40分 D.4日2l时20分
【小题2】由M点在东西半球分界线上,图中阴影部分为新的一天(4日),可确定M点为西经20°,PN为东经160°,4日0时, PQ为180°,则北京时间是3 日21时20分,第2题选B。