一、1978 年,安徽遇到特大旱灾,省委书记万里说:“我们不能眼看着农村大片土地撂荒……与其抛荒倒不如让农民个人耕种,充分发挥各自潜力,尽量多种‘保命麦’,渡过灾荒。”于是省委决定“借地渡荒”,即借给每一个农民三分地用于种麦,对超产部分不计征购,归自己所有,利用荒山湖滩种植的粮油作物谁种谁收。对这种做法认识不正确的是( )
A.基本满足了群众的要求 B.实际上否定了人民公社体制
C.公开违背了社会主义原则 D.对家庭联产承包责任制的探索
【知识点】中国特色社会主义建设的道路 20世纪50年代至70年代探索社会主义建设道路的实践
二、1942年抗日战争期间国民党统治区某报纸评论:“平时军人开小差,一般人夸为精明干练。今日壮丁逃兵役,人人骂为冷血动物。”这主要反映了( )
A.民众普遍的厌战心理 B.舆论对军人的评价很低
C.民众救亡意识的增强 D.舆论对滥抓壮丁的抗议
【知识点】近代中国反侵略 求民主的斗争
三、据《隋书·百官志下》,门下省置给事郎之职,“置员四人,从五品,审读奏案。”《资治通鉴》在评述唐朝中央机构时写道:“国家本置中书门下以检察,中书诏敕或有差失,则门下当行驳正。”以上材料说明( )
【知识点】古代中国的政治制度 汉到元政治制度的演变
四、中国读书人历来“耻于言商,耻于言利”,而清末状元张謇却放弃仕途,投身于近代工商业。这里反映出的时代观念是( )
A.实业救国 B.工商皆本 C.重利轻义 D.重商轻农
五、—Why didn't you come to Mike's birthday party yesterday?
—Well,I________but I forgot it.
A.should B.must
C.should have D.must have
【知识点】虚拟语气与情态动词 【答案】
六、 Though he had tried to climb to the top of the mountain several times, he didn't__________________.
A. get it B. make it C. arrive it D. do it
【知识点】语法 【答案】
七、Paper money was in________use in China when Marco Polo visited the country in________thirteenth century.
A. the ; x B. the ; the C. x; the D. x; x
【知识点】冠词 【答案】
八、Climber and record breaker Thomas Bubendorfer is used to facing death and this has driven him to think about the meaning of life.
The Austrian, 49, began his climbing career at the age of 12.At 16, he was the youngest solo rock climber to conquer the Alps.At 18, he scaled the 7,000 meter Pamir Plateau, in Central Asia.
Bubendorfer climbed Aconcagua, the highest peak in South America, within 16 hours.He is famed for conquering five mountains in the Dolomites, Italy, in just one day.
Beginning in 2010 and along with Chinese climbers, he has now set his sights on mountains over 6,000 meters in Tibet autonomous region.
The lecturer and writer has published six books, based on his climbing experiences, and Life is Like Climbing was recently published by China Development Press.Bubendorfer wrote it in German, and it was translated by Tang Wenping.
In Bubendorfer's opinion, the ultimate goal of mountain climbing is to search for and answer the big questions in life.The peak is not the ultimate aim, but the natural result of climbing, an activity in which he puts his heart and soul, he says.
He describes the feeling of standing on a ridge: "I seemed to get rid of time and the surroundings, and enter a new world.The world exists both internally and externally."
For the procrastinator, he writes: "No decision, no action.If I don't make a decision, I have to take action sooner or later."
His analysis of fear is: "(It) is the precondition for courage.Fear is the protection against the hidden dangers that seemed safe."
Bubendorfer's life is full of wisdom and philosophy.As he says: "(Life is) like a continuous mountain range with peaks and troughs (低谷).Only when you return to the bottom temporarily, can you start climbing again."
44.Which of the following is the correct order about Bubendorfer according to the text?
a.conquering five mountains in the Dolomites
b.climbing Pamir Plateau
c.having Life is Like Climbing published
d.conquering the Alps
A.abcd B.dcab C.adcb D.dbac
45.Which of the following is TRUE about Bubendorfer?
A.He has published six books so far.
B.He has a knowledge of German.
C.His ultimate goal is to reach the peak.
D.He is famous for conquering Aconcagua in one day.
46.According to Bubendorfer, fear ______________.
A.protects hidden dangers.
B.is necessary for courage.
C.usually leads to a sense of safety.
D.is something you feel when you climb again.
47.Which might be the best title for the text?
A.A mountain climber's adventurous life
B.Some tips on how to clime mountains
C.Climber explores life's peaks and troughs
D.The goal of mountain climbing
【知识点】人物传记 故事类阅读 【答案】
11、若某人从M点出发,依次向正东、正南、正西和正北方向分别前进200千米,则其最终位置 ( )
A、回到M点 B、在M点正东方 C、在M点正西方 D、在M点东南方
A、4444千米 B、3333千米 C、2222千米 D、1823千米
A、一直向东 B、先东北再东南 C、一直向西 D、先东南再东北
14、与M点关于地心对称的点的坐标为 ( )
A、(60°N,80°E) B、(60°S,80°W) C、(30°S,100°E) D、(60°S,100°E)
【知识点】地球与地图 单元测试
14.他们进行测量的时间可能是 ( )
A.9:00~10:00 B.13:00~14:00
C.17:00~18:00 D.21:00~22:00
15.甲、乙、丙、丁四点中,夜雨最多的是 ( )
A.甲 B.乙 C.丙 D.丁
【知识点】自然环境中的物质运动和能量交换 单元测试
十一、 下图为北半球中纬度某地区某一周的气温与太阳辐射强度变化情况,读图回答下列各题。
A.1月 B.5月 C.7月 D.11月
A.星期一 B.星期二 C.星期四 D.星期六
【知识点】大气的热状况与大气运动 大气受热过程
A.北方地形平坦开阔 B.北方正午太阳高度角较小
C.北方冬季白昼时间更短 D.南方气候更温暖湿润
【知识点】宇宙中的地球 单元测试