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  • 2022-05-27 22:20:01
  • 成都市高考补课班
  • 成都市高考补课班




  一、我国自2008年1月1日起,清明、端午、中秋节纳入中国国家法定节假日。追根溯源,  下列选项中与这种珍惜亲情、渴望相聚情结形成有密切关系的是( )

 A.分封制    B.宗法制    C.郡县制    D.科举制

【知识点】古代中国的政治制度 商周时期的政治制度



  二、9.面对列强的侵略,中国军民奋起抵抗,其中属于中近史上中国人民第一次自发兴起的斗争( )  

A.三元里人民抗英斗争    B.台湾人民反割台斗争  

C.义和团反帝运动        D.东北抗日联军的抗日斗争  

【知识点】近代中国反侵略 求民主的斗争



  三、河南大学教授王立群指出,“古来帝王,由秦始皇至清代宣统,正统偏安者共二百余人,真正懂得国家政体并善以此治国者, 不过秦皇、汉武、宋太祖、清圣祖 (康熙) 四人而已”。其中的“国家政体”指(  )

A.王位世袭制                    B.中央集权制

C.文官体制                      D.监察体制





  四、 近代中国第一个全国性的统一的资产阶级革命政党是            

A.兴中会             B.同盟会             C.强学会          D.保国会

【知识点】近代中国反侵略 求民主的斗争 辛亥革命






  五、Fifty–eight percent of the teachers interviewed in the Association of Teachers and Lecturers (ATL) questionnaire had come across copying among their pupils. Gill Bullen from Itchen College in Southampton, for example, said, "Pieces handed in by two students were identical and significantly better than either of them could have done. Not only that, the essays handed in didn't quite answer the title question I had set". A teacher from Leeds said, "I had one piece of work so bravely cut and pasted that it still contained ads from the web page."

  Connie Robinson from Stockton Riverside College said, "With less able students it is easy to spot copying as the writing style changes in the middle of the assignment, but with more able students it is sometimes necessary for tutors to carry out Internet research to identify the source of the copy."

  Mary Bousted, general secretary of the ATL, said," Teachers are struggling under a mountain of cut-and-pasting to spot whether work was the student's own or copy." She called for policies to stop copying, and asked for help from exam boards and the government in providing resources and techniques to detect cheats.

  But there was another side. "I have found once students clearly understand what copying is, its consequences and how to reference correctly so they can draw on published works, copying becomes less of a problem," said Diana Baker from Emmanuel College, Durham.

  "I think the majority of students who engage in copying do it more out of ignorance than the desire to cheat. They really want to succeed on their own."

  53. The passage mainly wants to tell us ____________.

  A. the benefits of the Internet for students

  B. web copying is a serious problem in the UK

  C. the ways to find web copying for teachers

  D. how we can use the Internet to do homework

  54. The underlined word “identical” (Paragraph 1) probably means ____________.

  A. excellent

  B. contrasting

  C. the same

  D. complex

  55. What is TRUE according to Connie Robinson?

  A. It’s not easy to find the less able students copy from the Internet

  B. It’s difficult to find whether the more able students have copied.

  C. The less able student will not change their writing style when copying.

  D. The more able students needn’t copy from the Internet.

  56. What’s the writer’s attitude towards “copying”?

  A. The writer doesn’t tell us.

  B. The writer feels angry about it.

  C. The writer thinks it doesn’t matter.

  D. The writer approves of it.

  【知识点】社会现象类阅读 【答案】


  六、 You may depend _________it won’t happen again.

  A. that    B. on that  C. on it that   D. on it

  【知识点】复合句 【答案】



  depend on 意思是“依靠”,it形式宾语指代后面的that 从句。

  七、 “________ I have a glass of beer?” “ No, I’m afraid you ________.”

  A. Can’t; can’t     B. Could; won’t       C. May; daren’t    D. Shall; may

  【知识点】虚拟语气与情态动词 【答案】


  八、 ---Does the young man standing at the gate_____ the car?

     ---No. The car is _____ his father.

   A. in possession of ;in the possession of       B. have possession of; take possession of

   C. have possession of; in the possession of       D. in the possession of; take possession of

  【知识点】介词 介词短语 【答案】




  九、 甲图是:“护送2008年奥运圣火登顶珠峰的大本营”图片,乙图是浙江“雁荡胜境”图片。读图回答问题。

下列关于全球气候变暖及其影响的叙述,符合实际情况的是                                   (    )

       A.全球各地的气温持续上升                   B.我国各地的降水量普遍增多

       C.全球各地的河湖水位上升                   D.我国西部山地冰雪总量减少




  十、某同学11月底到浙南某地秋游,攀爬红枫古道,在攀爬欣赏的过程中发现图5中同一树种A区域的树叶较B区域明显要“红、鲜艳”,B区域树叶枯黄暗淡,落叶较多,某同学对此进行原因分析,下列说法合理的是(    )

A、 B区域地形较A平坦,土壤肥沃,植物生长茂盛,先变黄。

B、 A区域位于山谷温差较小,水热条件较B区域好,生长期相对B区域长,树叶变红、变黄时间延后。

C、 B区域有公路经过,人类干扰大,先变黄。

D 、B区域海拔明显比A区域高,温度低,树叶先变黄。

【知识点】自然环境中的物质运动和能量交换 单元测试



  十一、  下图为“某村落分布示意图”,读图回答2021题.

20、该村落按图示分布的原因是(  )

A、平原面积开阔平坦便于农耕               B、靠近水源且沿河道分布,地势相对平坦

C、在山区由于地形的影响,村落依山而建     D、为逃避野兽袭击

21、如果甲聚落发展成为城市,从影响聚落的区位因素考虑主要是(  )

A、地形        B、气候       c、河流       D、矿产资源

【知识点】自然环境中的物质运动和能量交换 单元测试



  十二、 下面四幅图表示的热力环流中,错误的是 (      )








  • 李女士 135*****151 30分钟前成功提交
  • 夏先生 159*****666 5分钟前成功提交
  • 黄先生 181*****149 22分钟前成功提交
  • 刘先生 156*****799 12分钟前成功提交
  • 李女士 189*****771 35分钟前成功提交
  • 孙女士 139*****164 8分钟前成功提交
  • 周先生 181*****188 45分钟前成功提交
  • 王女士 135*****933 1分钟前成功提交






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  • 李女士 135*****151 30分钟前成功提交
  • 夏先生 159*****666 5分钟前成功提交
  • 黄先生 181*****149 22分钟前成功提交
  • 刘先生 156*****799 12分钟前成功提交
  • 李女士 189*****771 35分钟前成功提交
  • 孙女士 139*****164 8分钟前成功提交
  • 周先生 181*****188 45分钟前成功提交
  • 王女士 135*****933 1分钟前成功提交