一、.1923年3月,苏联向孙中山提供了200万墨西哥银元的经济援助,并支援了武器,派遣了政治和军事顾问。孙中山对他们下达的主要任务是:“按苏联模式组建军队,建立北伐桥头堡。”这表明当时( )
【知识点】近代中国反侵略 求民主的斗争
二、新航路开辟的根本原因和直接原因分别是( )
A.②③ B.③④ C.①③ D.②④
【知识点】资本主义世界市场的形成和发展 新航路的开辟
三、从某种程度上看,一些文艺作品是社会发展长河中的一个小小缩影。如毕加索的名画《格尔尼卡》艺术地再现了20世纪30年代西班牙社会遭遇的一幕。以下事件中与《格尔尼卡》反映的主题最贴近的历史事件是( )
A.鸦片战争 B.南京大屠杀
C.英国“光荣革命” D.俄国十月革命
【知识点】近代中国反侵略 求民主的斗争
B 本题主要考查20世纪以来的绘画作品及其思想内容。《格尔尼卡》是以二战前反法西斯为背景,为抗议德国法西斯轰炸西班牙小镇格尔尼卡的暴行而创作的,作者以艺术的手法向全世界揭露了法西斯的暴行,因此与之相类似的是日本法西斯在中国制造的南京大屠杀。答案为B。
四、 “下表反映了1844-1863年间广州和上海到埠外国船只和吨位变化情况。
年份 | 船只数 | 吨数 | ||
广州 | 上海 | 广州 | 上海 | |
1844 1849 1855 1863 | 306 331 867 | 44 133 437 3400 | 142099 142357 300500 | 8584 52547 157191 964309 |
A.近代外贸中心逐步转移 B.中国近代经济结构变动
C.上海开放程度高于广州 D.广州经济发展趋于停滞
五、 Little _______ that we were watching his every move, so he seemed to be going his own way in this business.
A. he realized B. he didn't realize C. didn't he realize D. did he realize
【知识点】倒装与省略 【答案】
六、Nowadays more and more people are trapped in too busy work to relax themselves. We have no time to tell a bed-time story to our children, or enjoy a nice dinner with our family, or take a break to think about how we live the precious life, or even meet friends. All we notice is that the distinctions that used to guide and steady us ------ between Sunday and Monday, public and private, here and there ------ are gone. We have more ways to communicate, but less and less to say. Partly because we’re so busy communicating.
Maybe that’s why more and more people I know, even if they have no religious commitment, seem to be turning to yoga, or meditation, or tai chi. Some friends of mine try to go on long walks every Sunday, or to “forget” their cellphones at home. A series of tests in recent years has shown that after spending time in quiet rural settings, subjects “exhibit greater attentiveness, stronger memory and generally improved cognition. Their brains become both calmer and sharper.” More than that, empathy, as well as deep thought, depends on neural processes that are “inherently slow. ” The very ones our high-speed lives have little time for.
In my own case, I turn to eccentric and often extreme measures to try to keep my sanity and ensure that I have time to do nothing at all. I’ve not yet used a cellphone and I’ve never Tweeted or entered Facebook. I try not to go online till my day’s writing is finished, and I moved from Manhattan to rural Japan.
None of this is a matter of principle or asceticism (苦行主义): it’s just pure selfishness. Nothing makes me feel better-----calmer, clearer and happier----than being in one place, absorbed in a book, a conversation, a piece of music. It’s actually something deeper than mere happiness: it’s joy, which the monk David Steindl-Rast describes as “that kind of happiness that doesn’t depend on what happens.” That is the highest of the highest we have been longing for----The Joy of Quiet.
71. The writer sometimes doesn’t do anything because ________.
A. he is out of work . B. whatever he does make no sense
C. he is worried about his writing. D. he can enjoy himself in his leisure time.
72. When the writer uses the word “forget” , his real meaning is _______.
A. Somebody really forgets his cellphone at home.
B. Somebody thinks cellphone is not a suitable means of communication.
C. Somebody hates modern techniques such as the cellphone.
D. Somebody leaves his cellphone at home on purpose.
73.Which of the following is right?
A. It is better to go back to the ancient times since we are so busy now.
B. The writer is unwilling to help others since he is selfish.
C. Slowing down to find time and space to think and enjoy oneself is urgent.
D. We have more to say because we have more ways to communicate.
74. What does the underlined word mean?
A. difference B. sameness C. simplicity D. complication
75. What is the main idea of the article?
A. The importance of spending time in quiet.
B. We can do some sports such as yoga to relax.
C. Principle or asceticism is important in one’s life.
D. The more we communicate, the more we will be closer.
【知识点】日常生活类阅读 【答案】
七、 —Well, what do you _____ the latest movie The Great Gastby?
A. find out B. deal with C. make of D. make up
【知识点】动词 动词短语 【答案】
八、 --- How do you know he is from Scotland?
--- Well, his special accent _________ when he spoke.
A. appeared B. showed C. betrayed D. displayed
【知识点】动词 动词短语 【答案】
九、关于日本和英国农业的叙述,正确的是( )
【知识点】区域地理环境与人类活动 不同发展阶段地理环境对人类生产和生活方式的影响
十、 通常被用来衡量一个国家或地区城市化水平高低标志的是
A.城市人口规模 B.城市的用地规模
C.城市人口在总人口中的比重 D.特大城市的数量
C十一、下列物质运动过程,主要能量不是来自太阳辐射的为( )
A.大气环流 B.水循环
C.大洋环流 D.地壳运动
【知识点】宇宙环境及其对地球的影响 太阳对地球的影响
A.降雪量 B.温度 C.光照 D.地形
A.农田 B.林地 C.城区 D.乡村
【知识点】自然环境中的物质运动和能量交换 单元测试