①世官制阶段 ②察举制阶段前期 ③九品中正制时期 ④科举制阶段
A.①②③④ B.①③②④ C.④③②① D.④②③①
二、在全球化的过程中,发展中国家经常处于劣势和被动的地位,其原因是( )
①经济底子薄 ②科学技术水平低 ③生产设备落后 ④生产成本高 ⑤资源缺乏
A.①②③④⑤ B.②③④⑤ C.①②③④ D.①③④⑤
三、有西方学者在分析第二次鸦片战争爆发原因时说:“欧洲人渴望中国做出更大的让步以实现其贸易扩张。”若对此进行补充,下列选项正确的是( )
【知识点】近代中国反侵略 求民主的斗争
四、据资料统计:在明后期至清前期200余年间,世界白银产量的一半流入中国,拥有一流城市和最为密集、完善的市场网络的中国,成为当时世界经济和贸易的中心区域。然而当时它却没有形成强大的扫荡旧经济基础的革命性变化。其中内在的原因在于( )
【知识点】古代中国的经济 主要经济政策
五、 With Shanghai World Expo drawing near, volunteers are making use of every minute to ________ their foreign language because language volunteers must pass a written test and an interview.
A. polish up B. take up C. put up D. make up
【知识点】其他 【答案】
六、British and American scientists are raising genetically modified(转基因的) pigs in the hope of providing organs for transplant(移植) to humans, the project leader wrote in a newspaper Sunday.
Scientists in London and California have begun conducting the genetic experiments to find a solution to record–long waiting lists for organ transplants, Robert Winston said in an opinion piece written for Britain's Sunday Times.
In Britain alone, around 8,000 patients are waiting for a transplant.
"People needing a new heart or liver are waiting for someone else to die – usually a violent death in a traffic accident," Winston wrote in the newspaper. He said his team was "trying to modify pigs so their organs might save the lives of humans."
The scientists are introducing human genes into the animals to reduce the chances of the organs being rejected by patients, as has been common in previous attempts to use animal tissues, said Winston, who heads the Institute of Reproductive and Developmental Biology at London's Hammersmith Hospital.
Working with Dr. Carol Redhead of the California Institute of Technology, Winston's team has injected human genes directly into male piglets(猪仔), adding them to the animal's sperm(精子).
He said that pigs involved in experiments had successfully produced transgenic sperm, but acknowledged that British and European laws had prevented the team from using the pigs to mate.
The Sunday Times newspaper reported that the experiments would be moved to the United States following difficulties with funding and regulations in Britain. It said the pigs would be bred in Missouri.
"Our U.S. friends will benefit from our technology and the income we might have produced for Britain will be lost," Winston wrote.
Some scientists have previously blamed the idea of using animal organs for human transplant, saying the technique risks spreading animal viruses to humans. Winston said his research project is attempting to breed virus-free pigs.
49. Scientists are introducing human genes into the animals to ____________.
A. make the organs healthier
B. reduce the pain of animals
C. make the organs live longer
D. reduce the chances of rejection
50. Some scientists have blamed the idea of using animal organs for human transplant because ____________.
A. the technique is not perfect now
B. humans may be infected with animal viruses
C. it is against laws and regulations
D. it may cause a conflict between humans and animals
51. According to Winston, it seems ___________ to Britain to move the experiments to the United States.
A. a pity
B. a pride
C. a disaster
D. a good idea
52. It can be inferred from the passage that ____________.
A. animal organs are commonly used for human transplant now
B. lots of patients need animal organ transplants now
C. examples of the animal tissues being rejected have happened
D. it is not safe to use animal organs for human transplant
【知识点】科普环保类阅读 【答案】
七、 Pain is now considered the fifth _____sign, as important as blood pressure, temperature , breathing rate and pulse in determining a person’s health.
A. original B. vital C. unique D. vivid
【知识点】形容词 【答案】
八、 All these documents must be the university you are applying for before December,.
A. donated to B. sent in C. submitted to D. handed in
【知识点】动词 动词短语 【答案】
九、 读“沿东、西经90°附近的南极洲地形剖面图”(图),回答
A.河流水 B.淡水湖泊水 C.浅层地下水 D.内陆湖泊水
D十、 读下图“世界天然橡胶主要生产国产量百分比图”,回答问题。
我国云南天然橡胶的种植纬度高于世界其他地区,主要原因有 ( )
①改良和培育新品种 ②全年高温多雨
③北部山地稿原阻挡,受冬季风影响小 ④劳动力成本低
A.①② B.②④ C.①③ D.③④
【知识点】地理环境的地域分异规律 地域分异的基本规律
十一、下列铁路中、不跨长江干流的是( )
A.京沪线 B.成昆线 C.川黔线 D.襄渝线
【知识点】生产活动与地域联系 单元测试
十二、符合可持续发展思想的人类活动是 ( )
A、围湖造田 B、毁林开垦 C、竭泽而渔 D、清洁生产
【知识点】人类与地理环境的协调发展 可持续发展的基本内涵及协调人地关系的主要途径