一、 到1980年欧共体能成为超过美国和日本的世界第一大贸易集团,主要得益于
【知识点】第二次世界大战后世界经济的全球化趋势 世界经济区域集团化
二、 “人是生而自由的,但却时刻都套在枷锁中,自认为是其他一切的主人,仅而比其他一切更是奴隶。”(卢梭《社会契约论》)文中的“枷锁”主要是( )
A.资本主义制度的束缚 B.自然环境的束缚 C.封建等级制度的束缚 D.基督教的束缚
【知识点】西方人文精神的发展 启蒙运动
A.牛顿建立力学体系 B.瓦特制成改良蒸汽机
C.法拉第发现电磁感应现象 D.爱因斯坦创立相对论
【知识点】近代科学技术 经典力学
A.王位世袭制 B.嫡长子继承制 C.君主专制制度 D.等级制度
【知识点】古代中国的政治制度 古代中国政治制度的特点
五、 Mr. Wang would have continued to lead _____ poor life instead of changing his lifestyle if he hadn’t met Mr. Smith by_____ accident who was a businessman.
A. the; a B. a; the C. a; / D. /; the
【知识点】冠词 【答案】
六、 The bicycle is a(an)___thing for people to carry up steps.
A. clumsy B. fragile C. desperate D. concrete
【知识点】形容词 【答案】
七、 29.Was it in the beautiful park _____was located by the sea ____we first met our new Chinese teacher?
A. where; that B. which; which C. that; that D. which; where
【知识点】连词 连接词 【答案】
八、1. Nothing can compensate for the loss of one’s health.
A. take up B. make up C. stay up D. keep up
2. Encourage your kid to reach a compromise between what he wants and what you want.
A. 承诺 B. 损害 C. 折中 D. 理解
3. The educator urged that the study of history should be compulsory in school.
A. required B. deleted C. organized D. ignored
4. The two parties holding different views on the issue conflicted at the meeting.
A. agreed B. discussed C. talked D. fought
5. I struggled with my conscience over whether I should tell the truth to the police that it was my best friend who stole the ring.
A. moral sense B. humorous sense C. responsibility D. ability
6. They discussed a lot at the conference and finally the problem was settled.
A. room B. meeting C. appointment D. competition
7. Free trade and environmental protection has become a consensus of countries in the world.
A. 目标 B. 措施 C. 难题 D. 共识
8. The management plan consists of four main components with each one equally important.
A. 条件 B. 方式 C. 部分 D. 结果
9. With Christmas around the corner, my mother is busy making preparations for it.
A. coming B. facing C. waiting D. leaving
10. What the homeless people wanted was some food and a cosy bed.
A. big B. cold C. expensive D. comfortable
11. Practice is the only criterion for testing truth.
A. 标准 B. 条件 C. 信誉 D. 能力
12. He is a consultant on law affairs. You can ask him for advice on your divorce case.
A. pilot B. adviser C. judge D. leader
13. The collision took place in the busiest shipping lanes in the world with no survivors.
A. 撞车事故 B. 坠机事故 C. 撞船事故 D. 政党冲突
14. You can go anywhere and still the compass points north or south.
A. 地图 B. 指南针 C. 标尺 D. 坐标
15. The dining room has beautiful views and offers delicious cuisine.
A. food B. cooking C. noodles D. vegetables
16. Mr. Green chose to teach children in a conventional way rather than in a modern way.
A. popular B. funny C. traditional D. beautiful
17. You’ll need some cash in local currency, but you can also use your credit card.
A. people B. money C. countries D. airflow
18. All the schools have music and dancing as part of the curriculum.
A. course B. plan C. environment D. program
19. Blood circulates inside our bodies.
A. 传播 B. 蔓延 C. 流传 D. 循环
20. My ambition was to work in a circus, so that I can perform shows with animals.
A. 旅行团 B. 动物园 C. 剧院 D. 马戏团
21. I stepped outside and pulled up my collar of my overcoat to protect myself from the cold.
A. 领子 B. 扣子 C. 袖子 D. 帽子
22. The ship set sail after all the crew came on board.
A. 船员 B. 机组人员 C. 乘客 D. 机长
23. We correspond every week. In the letters we share everything happening in daily life.
A. 吵架 B. 关心 C. 通信 D. 探视
24. Please tell me the concrete date for the conference so that I can make preparations for it.
A. 具体的 B. 正确的 C. 混泥土制的 D. 抽象的
25. Those corrupt officials were seriously punished by law for their illegal behavior.
A. 廉明的 B. 腐败的 C. 失职的 D. 不公正的
【知识点】单词 【答案】
1~5 BCADA 6~10 BDCAD 11~15 ABCBA 16~20 CBADD 21~25 ABCAB
5.可可西里自然保护区的鼠类属于( )
A.家栖鼠 B.森林鼠 C.农田鼠 D.草原鼠
6.鼠类除了盗取粮食外,还会造成( )
①水土流失 ②破坏森林和草场 ③危及水库和防洪大堤 ④传播疾病,危害人体健康
A.①②③ B.①②④ C.①③④ D.②③④
7.可可西里自然保护区鼠害严重的原因可能是( )
A.过度放牧 B.滥捕老鹰、沙狐等,使鼠类的天敌减少
C.全球气候变暖,鼠类生活环境改善 D.开采矿产资源,破坏地表
【知识点】自然灾害与防治 我国的主要自然灾害
十、 甲、乙、丙、丁分别为庐山、黄山、苏州园林和布达拉宫局部景观图,读图完成
A 甲景观流水侵蚀作用显著,观赏宜在适当的位置俯视为好
B 乙景观的美学与科学价值极高,到此旅游交通通达度较好
C 丙园林景观用太湖石构成,这种景观属于喀斯特地貌景观
D 丁景点旅游开发的主要限制性因素是旅游环境承载量较低
【知识点】旅游地理 旅游资源的类型与分布
B十一、 下表是我国北纬35°----40°之间大陆上四地的气候资料。读表回答
A ①发展灌溉农业,建立商品粮基地
B ②造林种草,治理水土流失
C ③扎草方格,建沙障,防治荒漠化
D ④挖鱼塘,筑台田,改造低湿地
B十二、 含三叶虫化石的地层所代表的地质时代是( )
【知识点】地壳物质循环及地表形态的塑造 内力作用与地貌