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  • 2022-07-18 16:06:02
  • 简阳高三一对一历史辅导班
  • 简阳高三一对一历史辅导班




  一、 从创作风格看,下列文学作品出现最早的应该是

A.《老人与海》               B.《钢铁是怎样炼成的》

C.《解放了的普罗米修斯》     D.《安娜·卡列尼娜》

【知识点】19世纪的世界文学艺术 文学的主要成就




  二、一战使俄国经济濒临崩溃,给人民带来深重的灾难,社会各种矛盾空前激化。随之彼得格勒工人和士兵发动革命建立新的政权——工兵代表苏维埃。这里所说的革命事件是指(    )

A.二月革命推翻沙皇专制              B.《四月提纲》公开发表

C.彼得格勒武装起义                  D.执行战时共产主义政策





A.商品输出→资本输出→早期殖民         B.早期殖民→资本输出→商品输出

C.早期殖民→商品输出→资本输出        D.商品输出→早期殖民→资本输出





A.假作公允以欺骗舆论                B.严重破坏了中国的关税自主权

C.被迫对中国作出有限的让步          D.维护英国人控制下的海关权威

【知识点】近代中国反侵略 求民主的斗争





  五、   You’ve bought what you need. The grocery cashier asks, “Will that be paper or plastic? You reply “Plastic, please.”

  This seems like a simple question and there are plenty of reasons we choose plastic: easier to carry, lighter than paper bags, possibly less damaging to the environment, less expensive to the shop owners, able to be used as trash bag, and so on. There are different opinions on plastic and paper. Now let’s follow the travels of 3 plastic bags. It begins at the grocery store with the customer’s choice.

  Plastic Bag 1: As the waste engineer come by and pick up the trash, the first plastic bag falls out. It sits on a small street for a couple of hours until a car comes along and takes it down to the road. Then a gust of wind blows it across the road, then another car, then another gust of wind finally makes its way to the beach. Water fills the plastic bag and makes it look like a jellyfish. A seal(海豹) swims by, thinking it looks very interesting, and swallowed it. The plastic bag may stay in the seal’s stomach for months, maybe years. You see, our lovely animals have been living thousands of years in a world where everything can be eaten.

  Plastic Bag 2: This bag does make its way to landfill(垃圾场). Before they have a chance to cover up the thousands of pounds of daily waste, a strong wind comes up and blows these plastic bags out of the landfill. Once the wind stops, workers will be sent to collect thousands of bags around. But they can’t possibly get them all. So our little bag continues his adventure getting caught in trees, eaten by birds or making its way to our lakes or rivers.

  Plastic Bag 3: The last bag also blows away but is caught in a landfill where it sits for many years, as all the trash is wrapped in a big plastic bag, making natural degradation(降解) impossible. Although workers do much work to make sure water and air system won’t be polluted, some do. Guess what, plastic bags are made from petrol, a harmful waste material, which in one way or another makes its way to the environment.

  Another problem with putting plastic bags in out trash is that our landfills for most cities may be filled in about 20 years. More importantly, since we are running out of land to build homes, you might have the pleasure of one day living on top of your plastic bags!

  One of the best suggestions is not to use a bag at all or bring your own cloth bags. If you must, please choose paper bags, which, though not suggested, can be eaten by animals. And there are more opportunities recycle paper bags. It does take a little extra effort. But please have a thought about the little seal next time you say, “Plastic please.”   

  65. According to the passage, what is NOT the reason for a customer to choose plastic bags?

  A. He can use plastic bags to carry trash later.    B. He finds paper bags heavier than plastic bags.

  C. He finds plastic bags more convenient to carry. D. He can save money for plastic bags are cheaper.

  66. The author describes the travel of Plastic Bag 1 to show ______.

     A. seals like eating plastic bags around them.  B. seals really have a good stomach.[C. seals are potential victims of plastic bags.       D. seals are not able to differ plastic from food.

  67. Wrapped in a big plastic bag, Plastic Bag3_____.

  A. still does harm to the environment   B. can hardly be harmful to the environment

    C. is much safer than Plastic Bag2     D. will end up being eaten by seals or some fish

  68. What will the following part of this passage talk about?

  A. Suggestions on reducing harm of plastic bags.  B. Disadvantages of using too many plastic bags.

  C. Persuading people into using paper bags.      D. Other potential victims of plastic bags.

  69. What is the overall tone of this passage?

  A. Excited    B. Serious    C. Ironical   D. Casual

  【知识点】日常生活类阅读 【答案】


  六、 The old man is telling the boys           story as          last time.

       A. as funny a; he did                     B. the same funny; he did it  

         C. such a funny; he did so                     D. as a funny; he did

  【知识点】其他 【答案】


  七、 What was so ______ about Jasmine Westland’s victory was that she came first in the marathon bare-footed.

        A. awful               B. essential                    C. impressive               D. obvious

  【知识点】形容词 【答案】


  八、 ---I’m going to San Francisco for a couple of days.

  ---__________. I wish I could get away for a while.

  A. It doesn’t matter   B. Forget it       C. I really envy you   D. I can’t agree more

  【知识点】交际用语 【答案】




  九、 近些年来由于环保措施得到有效执行,南极洲上空的臭氧空洞正在不断缩小,预计到2050年之间,这个“臭名昭著”的巨大空洞就可以完全被“填补”上了,据此材料回答有关臭氧层破坏的说法,正确的是         





【知识点】环境保护 环境污染与防治



  十、 读下图回答


A.德国鲁尔区       B.日本神户          C.中国攀枝花          D.美国“硅谷”

【知识点】工业生产活动与地理环境 传统工业区和新兴工业区




   ①地球各地出现极光现象           ②地球上磁针不能正确指示方向   

③卫星定位系统将受到干扰         ④我国北方会出现极昼现象

A. ①②          B.②③          C.③④          D.②④

【知识点】宇宙中的地球 单元测试



  十二、 美国阿拉斯加的费尔班克斯素有“北极光之都”之称,其观赏极光的最佳季节是

    A. 春季          B. 夏季          C. 秋季         D. 冬季

【知识点】地球运动及其地理意义 地球公转的地理意义





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  • 王女士 135*****933 1分钟前成功提交






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