A.监察地方政治 B.征收赋税,征发徭役和兵役
C.推荐和选拔地方人才 D.加强对地方官的控制和管理
【知识点】古代中国的政治制度 汉到元政治制度的演变
二、 2009年10月1日国庆阅兵仪式上,四幅领袖画像及四个原音重现,象征着新中国发展历程中四座伟大的里程碑,从思想理念层面突出了中国共产党的革命、建设和发展理论的历史演进(见下图)。以前三代领导人为核心所形成的理论成果分别是在下列哪次会议上确定为党的指导思想的?
A.遵义会议、中共七大、中共十五大 B.中共七大、中共十五大、中共十六大
C.遵义会议、中共十五大、中共十六大 D.中共七大、十一届三中全会、中共十六
① ② ③ ④
A.①② B.③④ C.①④ D.②③
四、21. 1950年7月,中国政府规定,外轮一般不准驶入中国内河,经中国政府特批而驶入的外轮须悬挂中国国旗,并在指定的码头停泊。这种措施所体现的外交政策是
A.“另起炉灶” B.“打扫干净屋子再请客” C.“一边倒” D.反对霸权主义
五、 –What’s that noise?
–Oh, I forgot to tell you. The new machine ______.
A. was tested B. will be tested C. is being tested D. has been tested
【知识点】其他 【答案】
六、 --- They suggest the number of cars should be limited to stop air pollution.
--- , the idea is not very practical.
A.Sounds good as it B.As it sounds good
C.As good it sounds D.Good as it sounds
【知识点】状语从句 【答案】
七、When I was a little girl, every Sunday my family of six would put on their best clothes and go to Sunday School and then church. The kids in primary school would all 36 together to sing songs, and then later divide into 37 based on their ages.
One Easter Sunday, all the kids 38 with big eyes and big stories about what the Easter Bunny had brought. 39 all of the kids shared their stories with great 40 , one young boy, whom l would call Bobby, sat unhappily. One of the teachers, 41 this, said to him,“What did the Easter Bunny bring you?”He replied with an innocent face,“My mom locked the door 42 so the Easter Bunny couldn't get 43 .”
This sounded like a(n) 44 idea to all of us kids, 45 we kept on going with the stories. My mom, though, knew the 46 story. Bobby’s mom was a single 47 ,and she guessed that they just couldn't 48 the Easter Bunny.
After Sunday School was over, everyone went off to 49 .When my dad came to meet us, my mom 50 that we were going home instead. At home, she 51 that to make Bobby feel better, we were going to 52 to be the Easter Bunny and make a basket of candies for him and 53 it at church. We all donated some candies to the basket, and headed back up to church. There, Mom unzipped(拉开拉链)his coat and hung the basket 54 the hanger(衣架).Then she zipped the coat and attached a(n) 55 :
Dear Bobby,
I'm sorry I missed your house last night. Happy Easter!
The Easter Bunny
36.A.live B. meet C. push D. crowd
37.A.groups B. classes C. families D. clubs
38.A.left B. waited C. arrived D. succeeded
39.A.After B. Since C. While D. Before
40.A.surprise B. sadness C. envy D. pleasure
41.A.noticing B. hearing C. warning D. following
42.A.on purpose B. by accident C. in time D. at last
43.A.up B. back C. inside D. away
44. A. natural B. strange C. correct D. acceptable
45.A.because B. so C. but D. or
46.A.true B. final C. important D. funny
47.A.worker B. woman C. parent D. daughter
48.A.find B. afford C. provide D. choose
49.A.home B. shop C. church D. street
50.A. threatened B. realized C. announced D. remembered
51. A, explained B. argued C. insisted D. joked
52.A.appear B. pretend C. decide D. try
53.A.buy B. leave C. present D. lose
54.A.beside B. under C. at D.over
55.A.note B. article C. word D. book
【知识点】日常生活类 【答案】
36-40 BACCD 41-45 ABCDB 46 - 50 ACBCC 51-55 ABBDA
八、 In face of failure, it is important to ______ a good state of mind.
A.keep up B.keep on C.keep out D.keep off
【知识点】动词 动词短语 【答案】
九、现在我国已禁止生产和使用“毒鼠强”等化学药品灭鼠,原因是( )
十、 随着矿物能源的大量消耗,大气中二氧化碳不断增多。充分利用太阳能,降低二氧化碳排放,是工农业持续发展的重要途径。南昌市郊区某村,利用塑料大棚生产蔬菜,并同时开办了养猪场,如图所示。据此完成以下下列各题。
该村的农业地域类型主要是 ( )
A.种植业 B.立体农业 C.混合农业 D.生态农业
利用塑料大棚种植蔬菜可以改善 ( )
A.光照条件 B.热量条件
C.降水条件 D.土壤条件
大棚中生产出来的蔬菜,质量略逊于自然状态下生长的蔬菜,原因是大棚中的环境与自然状态下相比 ( )
A.光照不足 B.热量不足
C.日温差较小 D.年温差较小
十一、 塔里木盆地储量最丰富的非可再生能源是( )
A.核能 B.太阳能 C.石油 D.水能
【知识点】区域可持续发展 区域存在的环境与发展问题
5.飞机从A地点飞往B地点,最近的航线是( )
6.若图中A地点正当日出,此时刻北京时间是( )
A.11时 B.23时 C.17时 D.5时
7.若图中A地点正当日落,两个小时后,太阳直射点的地理位置是( )
A.200S,750W B.200N,1050E
C.23026′N,1650E D.20026′S,1050E
【知识点】宇宙中的地球 单元测试