A、空想社会主义学说 B、启蒙思想
C、科学社会主义学说 D、牛顿力学体系和进化论
【知识点】科学社会主义理论的诞生和国际工人运动 《共产党宣言》
二、汉武帝之后儒学之所以逐渐成为主流思想,原因有 ( )
①“罢黜百家,独尊儒术”的实施 ②儒家经典被国家规定为学校教科书 ③中央太学的设置 ④地方教育系统的初步建立
A.①② B.①③ C.①②③ D.①②③④
【知识点】中国传统文化主流思想的演变 汉代儒学成为正统思想
A、由工人对生产和分配进行监督 B、将大企业收归国有
C、没收土地分配给劳动者使用 D、颁布《和平法令》,退出世界大战
【知识点】俄国十月革命与苏联社会主义建设 俄国十月革命
四、有人说,德意志帝国虽然是资产阶级性质的君主立宪国,但“君主”是实,“立宪”是虚。下列引用的《德意志帝国宪法》条文不能说明这一观点的是( )
【知识点】欧美代议制的确立与发展 德意志帝国君主立宪制的确立
五、 When I handed in the report to John, he told me that George was the right person .
A.to send it to B.to send to it C.to be sent to D.to send it
【知识点】倒装与省略 【答案】
A六、—You couldn’t have chosen any ________gift for me.
—I’m glad you like it so much.
A.bad B.worse
C.nice D.nicer
【知识点】形容词 【答案】
七、It was one of the happiest Saturday mornings I had spent with my daughter, Gigi. That was, until two strangers threw her into their car and sped away. It seemed like a bad dream.I could __11__ speak when the police questioned me.
After that, the policeman asked me to go home to wait. My friend Gloria came to __12__me. She took my hand and gave me __13__. It was a picture of a little girl __14__asleep in her bed, standing by the bed was a tall, blond(金发的)__15__. We prayed and waited by the phone until sunset. The __16__ never rang.
Suddenly,the front door swung open. I looked up and __17__. There stood Gigi. I cried, throwing my __18__ around her. Gigi said:“I was scared. We were going really fast on an old __19__ road I'd never seen before. But then a tall man walked out __20__ the car,and they ran off the road and hit a tree. Then the tall man __21__ the car door and pulled me out. He was really nice,and said I would be okay. I must have gone to __22__, because when I woke up it is in front of our house. He must have brought me home.” “But who...how did he know..., where to bring you?”My voice broke. Gigi __23__ her head. Just then Gigi noticed Gloria's picture. “That's him!” she __24__ at the picture. “Mommy,that's the man who pulled me out of the car!” Gloria and I turned __25__. “Are you sure that's the man?” Gloria asked. “Yeah, that's him __26__ that he didn't have wings,and he was wearing blue jeans.”
Later that night, the police found the__27__kidnappers. When questioned, the driver remembered turning away to __28__ hitting a tall blond man.
Twenty years have gone by. We have never heard from any one claiming to have __29__Gigi. There have been no logical explanations for her __30__. But from that day on, I believe that all experiences, positive and negative, are given to us for our strengthening and learning.
11.A. hardly B. hard C. fully D. full
12.A. sympathize B. support C. comfort D. calm
13.A. a map B. a picture C. a bag D. a book
14.A. healthy B. sound C. reliable D. reasonable
15.A. angel B. man C. maid D. servant
16.A. phone B. door bell C. clock D. radio
17.A. yelled B. screamed C. whistled D. whispered
18.A. cheeks B. shoulders C. arms D. hands
19.A. rocky B. smooth C. hard D. flat
20.A. in back of B. at the bottom of C. on the top of D. in front of
21.A. shut B. fastened C. opened D. loosened
22.A. rest B. sleep C. break D. yawn
23.A. shook B. nodded C. rolled D. trembled
24.A. referred B. aimed C. pointed D. signaled
25.A. sunburnt B. light C. weak D. pale
26.A. rather than B. including C. except D. other than
27.A. injured B. dead C. harmed D. hurt
28.A. stop B. avoid C. forbid D. keep
29.A. released B. relieved C. delivered D. rescued
30.A. escape B. breakout C. disappearance D. flow
【知识点】日常生活类 【答案】
11—15ACBBA 16—20 ABCAD 21—25 CBACD 26—30 CABDA
八、 I ____ him by surprise and he had no time to think of an excuse.
A. caught B. seized C. held D. took
【知识点】动词 动词短语 【答案】
九、 读“塔里木盆地”图,在盆地的四周是由冰雪融水补给的河流冲积而成的冲积扇,绿洲就在冲积扇的中下部。这些地区人口集中,农牧业较为发达,交通便捷。据此回答下题。
塔里木盆地城镇主要分布在:( )
A.山间低地 B.山谷地带 C.盆地中部 D.山前冲积扇
【知识点】城市与地理环境 城市的区位因素
十、 家庭农场是以家庭成员为主要劳动力,从事农业规模化、集约化、商品化生产经营的新型农业经营主体。右图为浙江省某市四个家庭农场面积变化示意图。读图,回答11~12题。
A.逐年减少 B.逐年增加 C.先增加、后减少 D.先减少、后增加
A.气候 B.地形 C.政策 D.熟制
【知识点】生产活动与地域联系 单元测试
十一、 对北京时间叙述不正确的是
A东八区的区时 B东八区中央经线的地方时
C东经120°E的地方时 D北京(116°E)的地方时
十二、 表1是某年我国四个省(区)煤、铁、石油、盐产量占全国总产量比例(%)表。读表回答
A.石油、盐、煤、铁 B.盐、石油、铁、煤
C.煤、盐、铁、石油 D.铁、煤、盐、石油