1、阿波罗宇宙飞船以N2H4(联氨)和N2O4为推力源,反应温度达2 700 ℃,反应式为2N2H4+N2O4===3N2+4H2O,关于该反应的说法中正确的是( )
A. 属于置换反应 B. 联氨是氧化剂 C. 联氨是还原剂 D. 氮气是氧化产物,不是还原产物
2、某工厂的废渣中混有少量的锌粉和氧化铜(其他成分不跟酸反应),跟大量废盐酸接触形成污水,产生公害。若向污水中撒入铁粉且反应后铁粉有剩余,此时污水中一定含有的金属离子是( )
A.Fe2+、Cu2+ B.Zn2+、Fe2+
C.Cu2+、 H+ D.Zn2+ 、H+
解析:选B 当少量的氧化铜和锌粉混合后,氧化铜与锌都可以与盐酸反应生成氯化锌和氯化铜,且因为铁的活动性比铜强,所以可以置换出溶液中的铜而生成氯化亚铁,且铁粉过量,则一定不含有氯化铜;由于铁的活动性比锌弱,所以不会置换出锌,溶液中一定含有的溶质是ZnCl2、FeCl2,则污水中一定含有的金属离子是Zn2+、Fe2+。
3、下列物质属于同系物的是( )
A. 与
为苯甲醇,二者结构不同,一定不属于同系物,选项A错误;B.CH3CH2Cl与CH2ClCH2CH2Cl分别为烷烃的一氯代物、二氯代物,二者结构不相似,不属于同系物,选项B错误;C.C2H5OH 与CH3OH,二者都是饱和一元醇,二者结构相似,分子间相差1个CH2原子团,所以二者互为同系物,选项C正确;D.CH3CH2CH3 为烷烃,CH2=CHCH3为烯烃,含有碳碳双键,二者结构不同,一定不属于同系物,选项D错误。答案选C。
1、If Barack Obama's wife and kids thought they'd be getting his undivided attention during their long-awaited summer holiday, perhaps they should think again.
The US President kicked off his vacation by revealing that, in addition to endless games of tennis and golf, he plans to spend the week ploughing through five books, weighing in at an astonishing 2,300 pages. His summer reading list, unveiled(透露) by the White House, contains two heavyweight works of non–fiction and three novels.
On top of the president’s table is Hot, Flat and Crowded, by New York Times columnist, Thomas Friedman. Subtitled "why we need a green revolution", it makes a leftish(左倾的) call to arms regarding the future of the planet.
Mr Obama's second choice is historian David McCullough's biography of John Adams, the often under-rated second US president, who was the subject of an award-winning HBO docu-drama(纪实剧)last year.
The novels include two crime thrillers: Richard Price's Lush Life, and The Way Home, a novel by George Pelecanos set in Washington, DC – which, much like Obama's best-selling autobiography(自传), explores the relationship between a father and his son.
Completing the set is the novel Plainsong, by a little-known writer called Kent Haruf. Set in a small town on the Colorado plains, its existence on the reading list may reassure voters that Middle America has not been ignored by their commander-in-chief.
Publishers are keeping an eye on whether the famous "Obama bounce" – which has helped sales at the first family's favourite clothes stores, such as J Crew – will continue to apply to their troubled industry. The President's endorsement(认可) is said to have lifted sales of Joseph O'Neill's novel Netherland about cricket in Holland and New York last year.
Given that President Obama has already spent a portion of his week so far playing golf, beating Michelle at tennis, and visiting friends, questions will inevitably(不可避免地) be asked about his ability to put any dent(挫伤) at all in the ambitious reading list.
To finish all five books, he would have to manage more than 300 pages every day – quite an "ask" when a small portion of his time must also be spent running the country.
57. What’s the function of the first paragraph?
A. To give an example.
B. To introduce a topic.
C. To describe a hope.
D. To offer an argument.
58. Which of the following statements is NOT true?
A. Some people doubted if the president could finish his books.
B. The Way Home is a book which explores the relationship between a father and his son.
C. Lush life, set in Washington, is a novel written by Richard Price.
D. Thanks to Obama, sales of Netherland have been lifted.
59. Which of the following was NOT a book the President planned to read?
A. John Adams.
B. Netherland.
C. Hot, Flat and Crowded.
D. Lush Life.
60. Which of the following can be the best title of the passage?
A. Obama’s Hobbies
B. Obama’s Holiday Plan
C. Obama’s Holiday Life
D. Obama’s Holiday Book List
【知识点】人物传记 故事类阅读 【答案】
2、It’s no good _______ over spilt milk.
A. to cry B. cried C. crying D. cry
【知识点】非谓语动词 【答案】
3、 25. Now I’ve been out of ______ work for weeks, I’ve joined the ranks of ______ unemployed
A. the; / B. the; the C. /; the D. /; an
【知识点】冠词 【答案】
4、 I suggest you save you find with an electronic bookmark so you can return to it later.
A.what B.that C.how D.where
【知识点】代词 不定代词 【答案】