A.碳粉 B.硫磺 C.铜粉 D. 铁粉
2、下列说法不正确的是( )
3、为实现下列实验目的,依据下表提供的主要仪器,所用试剂合理的是 ( )
选项 | 实验目的 | 主要仪器 | 试剂 |
A | 分离Br2和CCl4混合物 | 分液漏斗、烧杯 | Br2和CCl4混合物、蒸馏水 |
B | 鉴别葡萄糖和蔗糖 | 试管、烧杯、酒精灯 | 葡萄糖溶液、蔗糖溶液、银氨溶液 |
C | 实验室制取H2 | 试管、带导管的橡皮塞 | 锌粒、稀HNO3 |
D | 测定NaOH溶液浓度 | 滴定管、锥形瓶、烧杯 | NaOH溶液、0.100 0 mol·L-1盐酸 |
【知识点】物质的分离 提纯和检验
解析 A项,分离Br2和CCl4混合物应采用蒸馏法,由于Br2易溶于CCl4,难溶于水,故不能用水萃取CCl4中的Br2,不合理;B项,葡萄糖溶液与银氨溶液混合后水浴加热产生银镜,而蔗糖溶液与银氨溶液混合后水浴加热不产生银镜,合理;C项,锌与稀硝酸反应不能生成H2,不合理;D项,试剂中缺少指示剂酚酞,不合理。
答案 B
1、 How to Be a Winner
Sir Steven Redgrave
Winner of 5 Olympic Gold Medals
“In 1997 I was found to have developed diabetes (糖尿病) . Believing my career (职业生涯)was over, I felt extremely low. Then one of the specialists said there was no reason why I should stop training and competing. That was it----the encouragement I needed. I could still be a winner if I believed in myself. I am not saying that it isn’t difficult sometimes. But I wanted to prove to myself that I wasn’t finished yet. Nothing is to stand in my way.”
Karen Pickering
Swimming World Champion
“I swim 4 hours a day, 6 days a week. I manage that sort of workload by putting it on top of my diary. This is the key to success―you can’t follow a career in any field without being well-organized. List what you believe you can achieve. “Trust yourself, write down your goals for the day, however small they are, and you’ll be a step closer to achieving them.”
Kirsten Best
Poet & Writer
“When things are getting hard, a voice inside my head tells me that I can’t achieve something. Then, there are other distractions, such as family or hobbies. The key is to concentrate. When I feel tense, it helps a lot to repeat words such as ‘calm’, ‘peace’ or ‘focus’, either out loud or silently in my mind. It makes me feel more in control and increases my confidence. This is a habit that can become second nature quite easily and is a powerful psychological (心理的) tool.”
60. What does Sir Steven Redgrave mainly talk about?
A. Difficulties influenced his career.
B. Specialists offered him medical advice.
C. Training helped him defeat his disease.
D. He overcame the shadow of illness to win.
61. What does Karen Pickering put on top of her diary?
A. Her training schedule.
B. Her daily happenings.
C. Her achievements.
D. Her sports career.
62.What does the underlined word “distractions” probably refer to?
A. Ways that help one to focus.
B. Words that help one to feel less tense.
C. Activities that turn one's attention away.
D. Habits that make it hard for one to relax.
63. According to the passage ,what do the three people have in common?
A. Courage.
B. Devotion.
C. Hard work.
D. Self-confidence.
【知识点】词组 短语 【答案】
How to Be a Winner
Sir Steven Redgrave
Winner of 5 Olympic Gold Medals
“In 1997 I was found to have developed diabetes (糖尿病) . Believing my career (职业生涯)was over, I felt extremely low. Then one of the specialists said there was no reason why I should stop training and competing. That was it----the encouragement I needed. I could still be a winner if I believed in myself. I am not saying that it isn’t difficult sometimes. But I wanted to prove to myself that I wasn’t finished yet. Nothing is to stand in my way.”
Karen Pickering
Swimming World Champion
“I swim 4 hours a day, 6 days a week. I manage that sort of workload by putting it on top of my diary. This is the key to success―you can’t follow a career in any field without being well-organized. List what you believe you can achieve. “Trust yourself, write down your goals for the day, however small they are, and you’ll be a step closer to achieving them.”
Kirsten Best
Poet & Writer
“When things are getting hard, a voice inside my head tells me that I can’t achieve something. Then, there are other distractions, such as family or hobbies. The key is to concentrate. When I feel tense, it helps a lot to repeat words such as ‘calm’, ‘peace’ or ‘focus’, either out loud or silently in my mind. It makes me feel more in control and increases my confidence. This is a habit that can become second nature quite easily and is a powerful psychological (心理的) tool.”
60. What does Sir Steven Redgrave mainly talk about?
A. Difficulties influenced his career.
B. Specialists offered him medical advice.
C. Training helped him defeat his disease.
D. He overcame the shadow of illness to win.
61. What does Karen Pickering put on top of her diary?
A. Her training schedule.
B. Her daily happenings.
C. Her achievements.
D. Her sports career.
62.What does the underlined word “distractions” probably refer to?
A. Ways that help one to focus.
B. Words that help one to feel less tense.
C. Activities that turn one's attention away.
D. Habits that make it hard for one to relax.
63. According to the passage ,what do the three people have in common?
A. Courage.
B. Devotion.
C. Hard work.
D. Self-confidence.
2、If Kate goes to the gym this weekend, ________.
A. so do I B. so I do C. so will I D. so I will
【知识点】固定句型 【答案】
3、Do you know the _________ of the saying I just quoted? A. resource B. source C. course D. cause
【知识点】名词 【答案】
4、The suspect was cunning(狡猾的). He told a lie to the policeman ____ at the scene.
A. when questioned B. while to be questioned
C. as questioning D. when questioning
【知识点】非谓语动词 【答案】