若干年后你会发现你今天的想法是极其SB 的。
你被录取了么?那大概有些麻烦了 我从网上看到从今年开始好像被录取而不报到的考生会被记录诚信档案 对复读有影响 我也不是太清楚 你可以上网查下 或问问内行人最好别信那些复读学校老师的话 他们好多只考虑自身奖金的问题 根本不从学生个人角度和利益出发复读这种事 关键还是看自己的意愿 如果被录取后不报到所建立的诚信档案队再次复读没有影响 而你又实在不想走今年考上的学校且你有勇气承担明年这个时候的一切结果且你的年龄不算太大 那就复读。
These days it is very common for high school graduates who failed in the entrance exam for higher education to reenter preparation class in the hope of trying the test one more time. Some people are in favor of this act, while others disagree. Personally, I side with the advocates since there are several advantages of taking the exam again. Firstly, only one time of trying is not enough to judge if a candidate is a qualified to receive college education or not. It is not unusual to hear cases about exam takers failing due to non-academic factors. For example, a student had been working very hard and had a brilliant performance in his study. However, right on the day of the test, he got a serious cold with a high fever, which definitely affected his result. Not surprisingly, he did not pass the exam. What should he do? The best choice is to try one more time. Secondly, further education plays a significant role in a person’s whole life. So everyone should be given enough chances to compete for enrollment. A candidate may not pass for the first time or even the second time, but this does not necessarily mean he cannot pass later and have a bright future by receiving higher education. However, at the same time, it is very reasonable to put a limit to the times who are allowed to try. If a person cannot succeed in the test after trying again and again and again, perhaps he should rethink his plan to enter college. There is no denying the fact that not everyone is suited to an academic environment. To conclude, most of those who failed in the exam for college educate should try again. But, entering in school is not the only way leading to success, which means there are also other choices.。